7 Small Steps To Get Happy - By: Stephanie Barker
7 Steps To A Happier Life: Everyday…
1- Tell a child you love them.
Does it even matter which child? Children are not told this enough. You will make them happier which in turn will feed your own soul.
2- Say thank you out loud and mean it.
Say it about anything. Better yet, make a list of everything that you are thankful for. It may end up longer than you think possible.
3- Take a walk.
Getting outside is ideal but even if you just take a lap or two around the house, the exercise will do you good. Increase your heart rate, control your breathing, get your mind clear.
4- Smile to a stranger.
This goes along with the first one. It makes them feel good and in return makes you feel good for being a part of it.
5- Compliment yourself.
Take time to recognize what you have to offer.
6- Turn on some music.
Obviously put in something you like. Music is a universal language, full of emotion and energy. It is cathartic, so make it something good.
7- Dance to it.. Just for fun!
The percentage of people newly diagnosed with depression is on the rise and the numbers of medications to “fix it” are even larger.
Don’t perpetuate the cycle, remember the little things and learn to cheer yourself up the natural way. This will make your life much happier and in turn lightens the lives around you. Little by little you could be making the whole world a better place.
About the Author
Stephanie Barker is a writer looking to spread relief and awareness to the world, one enlightened reader at a time. She works with a new age independent publishing company releasing a series of books attempting to bring to light some major social issues in our world today. To learn more about the books and for a Free Report on “The Special Power of Celebrities to Help Save the World”, visit http://www.ruthmontgomerywritesagain.com
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