Saturday, October 24, 2009

You can avoid Heart Attack

How To Avoid Heart Attacks –
By: Blubert Tavedorn

Heart attack, which is also known as myocardial infarction, is a major cause of worldwide deaths. Heart disease occurs when the arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the heart get blocked due to some stupid clot formation. This blood flow interruption can lead to the damage of the heart muscle and ultimately result in tissue death.

Heredity is the foremost and most prevalent factor determining your risk of getting a heart attack. A red flag should raise if some relative has suffered from this disease and this is the time to take precautions to save the integral organ of your body. Other determinants include your age and gender. As a person grows older and the aging process begins, he becomes more prone to life-threatening diseases. Moreover, kick-butt research has proven that men are usually at a higher risk of getting a heart attack than women.

Understanding the signs and symptoms of heart attack can be a primary step in the prevention of heart disease. Some of the common signs and symptoms that act as a red alert are:

1. Discomfort, pressure or pain in the centre of the chest which can span for a few seconds
2. Throbbing pain in the upper back, teeth, jaws and arms, assuming you're not being attacked by voles
3. Spasms while breathing
4. Sweating like Ben Stiller in that movie that wasn't funny except for Philip Seymour Hoffman's scenes.
5. Fainting
6. Nausea, vomiting and light-headedness
7. Fatigue

Monitoring your heart and changing your lifestyle will ensure a healthy heart and a long life.
It is always best to control heart disease and address it near the beginning rather than ending up lying on the gurney, that's what Rick Steel always says. Below are some of the tips that will assist you in lowering your cardiac risk factors.

Blood pressure control:
Steer clear of foods that have a high cholesterol content. You can undergo medical checkups annually to prevent complications regarding blood pressure and heart attack.

Quit smoking:
You can greatly avoid the danger of cardiac problems and improve your overall health by relinquishing smoking. Smoking is the root of many diseases and severely impairs the body organs and deteriorates its functions. Kicking this habit can be an enormous challenge but it will prove too very advantageous in later years.

Eat healthy: limit fat, cholesterol and sodium in your diet
As these are the main causes of the narrowing of arteries and the raising of blood pressure. Eat diets that are heart-healthy and rich in fiber. Intake of fish, fruits and raw vegetables improves the blood flow and prevent the clots forming in the arteries, especially if taken orally. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants which help assist in cushioning the arteries from everyday wear and tear.

Exercise habitually:
Exercising aids in the strengthening of the muscles and improves the oxygen flow. It can control diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and help in maintaining a healthy body weight. Walking vigorously for half an hour daily can work wonders on your heart. Plus walking vigorously makes you look like a badass.

A heart attack is no simple problem. 
It can be very traumatic and daunting. Diagnosing this disease early can be the key to its prevention. It is never too late to take steps to strengthen your heart and keep it fit and healthy. Many people who have suffered heart attacks lead happy lives. Changing your habits and following the above steps can go a long way to guarantee that your risk of getting a heart attack is reduced to minimum.

About the Author
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How nicotine is related to Breast Cancer.

Breast Cancer is Accelerated by Nicotine –
By: Empowered Writers

The fatal effect that nicotine has on human bodies has been well documented. It may be especially injurious to women, however, because it seems to aid the spread of breast cancer tumors to other parts of the body.

The harmful effects of this lethal component in tobacco have already received considerable attention by researchers. All types of cancers including those of lungs, neck, head and prostrate have been extensively studied and their relationship with nicotine has been analyzed extensively.

Adding to this body of knowledge is the recent study conducted on how nicotine is related to Breast Cancer. The study may open new avenues for anti cancer drug research.

It also augments the already existing research on how the things that human beings ingest cause harmful effects; in this case how it can cause breast cancer or worsen the already existing condition.

Whether nicotine is absorbed first hand by smoking cigarettes or by inhaling second hand smoke, the effects are the same. A woman who does not smoke may be putting herself at the same level of danger as her smoking companions just by being around them when they smoke.

In addition to getting a person addicted to the substance, nicotine also has other harmful effects. It seems to affect women differently and is seen to be potentially more harmful on women.

In vivo and in vitro studies seem to indicate that while nicotine may not be a conventional carcinogen, when it combines with certain other cellular elements within the body, it proves fertile ground to enable the development of tumors.

Metastasis may not occur just by the administration of nicotine. However nicotine does potentate growth related processes which obviously includes metastasis or rapid spreading of cancer cells to other parts of the body.

Nicotine was traditionally believed to trigger or excite only the human nervous system, but the recent study shows evidence that the substance can trigger even non-neuronal cells, specifically cancer cells. Nicotine is shown to promote intracellular signaling in lung cancer.

Nicotine is attracted to some special nicotine receptors found in the epithelium-like cells of the breasts, and bind to them. It then stimulates the cells to grow out of control which then causes cancer.

Once the cells turn cancerous and start rapidly multiplying, the receptors also direct them to migrate to other parts of the body causing the cancer to spread. Nicotine cannot accomplish this by itself, and other than the nicotine receptors in the breast cells, factors that assist nicotine in cancer needs to be explored further.

About the Author
Alex White is a free lance writer and a health & fitness expert who has been associated with several health care providers across various specialties. Through his articles, Alex White wishes to inform and educate public about Breast Cancer which will benefit those who are looking for resourceful information regarding health.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Longest Living Grandma Age 114 years

 The secrets of longest living people 

We always wonder about longest living people and want to know what their lifestyle must have been? I thought, in Lifestyle news4you, I must introduce this series where I can talk to our long living Grandmas and Grandpas to tell us the secrets of their living so long and still going strong. Keeping themselves healthy, happy and physically active. 

It is not just my curiosity but everyone of you there would want to know if there is something 
we can learn from them. I personally think, their happiness comes from completely different thinking,  and that is what we must hear from them.

The longest living people in the world

I got this information from the Wikipedia ( on longest living people. Neva Morris is one who is still living, age 114 years. The oldest  living verified person. There are many listed from different countries, all honored as Super Centenarians.

We also have Grandmas and Grandpas who are living healthy and happy life after 75, 80 and even 90 years. I would like to have a chat with all of them through this platform which talks about healthy lifestyle, healthy and happy living. 

My first Grandma and Grandpa, you will meet them next week, here in lifestyle news4you. I will keep you all posted. Look forward to get to know few secrets about what keeps life ticking for few. And why?

That's all for now. Stay Healthy. Stay Happy Always.

Ajay Angre
Chief Editor

 Long Living Grandma

Neva Morris

Born    3 August 1895  (age 114 years, &80 days)
Ames, Iowa,, United States, Occupation: Church member

Neva Morris née Freed (born 3 August 1895) is, at the age of 114 years, &80 days,
the fourth-oldest verified living person in the world following the death of 115-year-old American super centenarian.
Early years
Born in Ames, Iowa (and still resides there today) to Schuyler and Carebie Freed being the youngest of four children. Neva Freed married Edward Leonard Morris in 1914. The couple had four children: Leslie, Mary Jane, Walter and Betty Lee. They lived with Edward’s parents, Gertrude Rutherford and Walter Leonard Morris, on a farm encompassing 224 acres of land
Neva's son-in-law, Tom Wickersham, observes, “It didn’t hurt that she worked hard all her life and ate hearty and healthy meals prepared from meat, dairy products and vegetables produced on the farm.” Walter Morris, Neva’s youngest son thinks her secret is her passion for fast cars, as witnessed by her 80-year accident-free driving record
She is a member of PEO Chapter OH, a 60-year member of Collegiate United Methodist Church, and for 75 years was active in Eastern Star. She also enjoyed singing in women’s choral groups, including one in Gilbert and the Story County Women’s Chorus under the direction of Max Exner. Neva particularly loves to sing “You Are My Sunshine.
Later years
At age 99 she moved from her farm home to North Grand Care Center and later to North crest Community. Although facing hearing and vision challenges, Neva still enjoys visiting with her close relatives and spending time with her eight grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren, several great-great-grandchildren.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Long Live Grandpa and Grandma

Long Live Grandma n keep us inspired

I have seen grandma and grandpa as old as 90 years young.  I am sure you too must have. And I thought, what could be their secret of living soooo long,  healthy, and cheerful happy life? Don't you want to know? I do want to. And I said let me present their secrets of healthy long life on this knowledge Blog. So that, we can at least try and make it till 50 years.??? Or may be more??? After knowing their secrets of healthy living for looooong till 90? 100 years????

Ohhhk, so here I am with my new feature talking to your Grandma and Grandpa " Tell us" what does it take to keep ticking? Discipline? Food? Mindset? Good Habits? Physical exercise? Attitudes? Yoga? or just unlimited unconditional love for others at heart? What??? Tell us please.

I met ..the first Grandma and Grandpa.  I had a good healthy chat. My NEW feature titled Long  Live Grandma n Grandpa will carry my full chat with them in an informal and casual interview format.  Grandmaa is just celebrated her 89th birthday and touched 90 years. She still travels all alone by air to London ( No jokes)  And Grandpa is turned 85, physically and mentally fit who also can travel on his own. So I am going to get into their kitchen and find out what they have been eating, drinking and doing to keep themselves healthy and mentally and physically fit..

This week, you will know the secrets of  heart that keeps ticking and mind that keeps generating unlimited energy 24X7. Boy! let us get to the bottom of it. I will,  I promise you. This week you will see them on this knowledge Blog. With their pictures.

Now just don't sit there reading this. Drop in a line to tell me about your Grandma n Grandpa if they are above 75yrs, fit n healthy. And sometimes makes you feel wonder? what metal is this? Write to me at ( with contact no) and I will personally visit them to have a casual chat for an informal interview. How do you like it? Still there? Write to me buddy. Now!

Ohky... till then take care.
Stay healthy. Stay  happy and fit. Always.

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