Saturday, September 26, 2009

Breakfast-The Most Important Meal of the Day

Why Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Kids Need Their Morning Meal

While adults need to eat breakfast each day to perform their best, kids need it even more. Their growing bodies and developing brains rely heavily on the regular intake of food. When kids skip breakfast, they can end up going for as long as eighteen hours without food, and this period of semi starvation can create a lot of physical, intellectual and behavioral problems for them.

Breakfast...A good Investment for healthy returns

If you and your kids regularly skip breakfast in the interest of saving time or getting a few more minutes of sleep, remember that eating a wholesome, nutritious morning meal will probably save you time in the long run. By recharging your brain and your body, you'll be more efficient in just about everything you do. Interestingly, studies show that kids who skip breakfast are tardy and absent from school more often than children who eat breakfast on a regular basis.

Preparing a good breakfast can be as quick and easy as splashing some milk over cereal. Time invested in breakfast is much more valuable than the few extra minutes of sleep you might get by bypassing the morning meal. If you and your kids seem unable to make time for breakfast, consider enrolling your children in a school breakfast program, if possible, or pack a breakfast brown-bag the night before so that you and your kids can eat on the way to school and work.

Break the Fast to Shed the Pounds

Some people skip breakfast in an effort to lose weight, but the practice is more likely to cause weight gain than weight loss. Skipping breakfast is strongly linked to the development of obesity. Studies show that overweight and obese children, adolescents, and adults are less likely to break the fast each morning than their thinner counterparts.

According to research, skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make weight control more difficult.

Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal or nibble on high-calorie snacks to stave off hunger. Several studies suggest that people tend to accumulate more body fat when they eat fewer, larger meals than when they eat the same number of calories in smaller, more frequent meals.

To teens, especially teenage girls, skipping breakfast may seem like a perfectly logical way to cut down on calories and lose weight. It's important for moms to educate their kids about the importance of the morning meal and the role it plays in maintaining good health and preventing obesity.

Friday, September 25, 2009

news4you: 8 easy ways to get more whole grains into your diet

news4you: 8 easy ways to get more whole grains into your diet

8 easy ways to get more whole grains into your diet

Learning to enjoy whole grains 

Here are eight easy ways to work more whole grains into your daily diet:

Learning to enjoy whole grains is simply a matter of retraining your taste buds to become familiar with the fuller, nuttier flavor of the grain, experts say.

Whole grains taste and feel different to the mouth, and therefore it takes time to adjust to these new grains.

1- Choose wholegrain breads, cereals, bagels, and crackers. Enjoy a sandwich at lunch with two slices of whole meal, granary, wheat germ, multigrain, seeded or mixed grain bread; or a whole-wheat pita or wrap, and you're two-thirds of the way towards meeting your goal.

2- Eat popcorn. What could be easier than eating air-popped popcorn as a snack?  Just don’t choose pre-popped corn smothered in fat, sugar or salt.

3- Make your snacks wholegrain. Snacks account for one-third of wholegrain consumption - just make sure you choose the right ones. Try rye crisp bread, wholegrain rice cakes, and oatcakes. Check the label, because even though it is made with a whole grain, it could still be high in fat, calories, and sodium.

4- Start your day with a bowl of wholegrain cereal. But bear in mind that even when a product is made from wholegrain, it's not necessarily healthy. Read the label and select cereal based on the wholegrain content and amount of sugar it contains. The less sugar, the better.

5- Add whole grains to your cakes, pastries and pies. Dietitian Elaine Magee likes to blend half whole meal flour with all-purpose flour to boost the wholegrain content of her baking. You can also use white wheat flour, replace one-third of the flour with wholegrain oats.

6- Choose brown rice and whole wheat or blended pasta. Cook a batch of brown rice and freeze or keep in the fridge for 4-5 days and if time is an issue, there are great ready brown rice products. Try wholegrain pasta, or some of the blended pastas made with a mix of whole and refined grains. Don't be put off by the dark color of wholegrain pasta,that becomes much lighter when it is cooked.

7- Experiment with different grains. Try your hand at some of the less familiar whole grains available. Try risottos, pilaus, wholegrain salads, and other grain dishes made with barley, brown rice, millet, quinoa, or sorghum, Magee suggests. Add barley to tinned soup, then boil to cook the barley. Stir oats into yoghurt for crunch and added nutrition.

8- Start your children off healthily: Start off young children with a diet of all whole grains, for older children, try the white whole-wheat flour, and incorporate whole grains into foods that have other flavors: burgers with wholegrain buns, brown rice medley with vegetables, in soups, whole wheat pittas as crusts for make-your-own individual pizzas.

Tips for reaping the benefits of whole grains

More wholegrain products

The good news is that whole grains are not necessarily brown, or multigrain, or only found in adult cereals. You can find them throughout the food supply, including many processed foods.

Whole grains and fiber

Whole grains can be an excellent source of fiber. But not all whole grains are good sources of fiber. Whole wheat contains among the highest amount of fiber of the whole grains. Brown rice contains the least.

For most people, whole grains are their diet's best source of fiber.

Most wholegrain sources yield from 1-4 g of fiber per serving, comparable to fruit and vegetables, and just the right amount when spread throughout the day.

Can't fiber supplements give you the same benefit?

While you get plenty of fiber from these supplements, you'll miss out on all the other nutritional benefits of whole grains.

However, if you know you're not getting at least 25 g of fibre per day, fibre supplements are a great way to help you get there.

Know your whole grains

Know your whole grains well

A whole grain contains all edible parts of the grain, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. The whole grain may be used intact or recombined, as long as all components are present in natural proportions. To recognise whole grains, keep this list handy when you go to the supermarket and choose any of the following grains:

    *     Wholegrain corn
    *     Whole oats/oatmeal
    *     Popcorn
    *     Brown rice
    *     Whole rye
    *     Wholegrain barley
    *     Wild rice
    *     Buckwheat
    *     Triticale
    *     Bulgur (cracked wheat)
    *     Millet
    *     Quinoa
    *     Sorghum
    *     100% whole wheat flour

But what about when you're buying processed products, such as a loaf of bread? You probably know to avoid products made of "refined" wheat. But did you know that some manufacturers strip the outer layer of bran off the whole kernel of wheat, use the refined wheat flour, add in molasses to colour it brown, and call it '100% wheat' bread? That's true -- but it is not a whole grain.

That's why it's important to check the ingredients list for the word 'whole' preceding the grain (such as 'whole wheat flour'). Ideally, the whole grain will be the first ingredient in the list, indicating that the product contains more wholegrain than any other ingredient.

Eating Essentials- Why? A series of articles

Time to make some changes in your diet?
Learn all about the food guide pyramid, remarkable vitamins, the best super foods, calorie requirements, and more.

Tips for reaping the benefits of whole grains
By Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Eating more whole grains is an easy way to make your diet healthier. Whole grains are packed with nutrients including protein, fibre, B vitamins, antioxidants, and trace minerals (iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium). A diet rich in whole grains has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some forms of cancer. Wholegrain diets also improve bowel health by helping to maintain regular bowel movements and promote growth of healthy bacteria in the colon.

Yet, studies have shown that 95% of adults don’t eat enough whole grains and nearly one in three consume none at all.

Why? For one thing, it's not always easy to tell just which foods are wholegrain
Scan the bread, cereal or snack packaging, and virtually every one promotes its wholegrain goodness. But not all of them actually are wholegrain. Terms like 'multigrain', '100% wheat', 'cracked wheat', 'organic', 'pumpernickel', 'bran', and 'stone ground' may sound healthy, but none actually indicates the product is wholegrain.

Also, many people have the perception that whole grains just don't taste good, or that it's difficult to work them into their daily diets.

To help you start reaping the benefits of a diet rich in whole grains, WebMD got the facts on how to tell which foods are made of whole grains, along with suggestions on how to fit the recommended servings into your healthy eating plan.

Here are all the burning facts

Here are all the burning facts you need to know about that mysterious calorie-burner we call metabolism.

Metabolism fuels your body using calories you've eaten.

You probably associate the word metabolism with weight gain and loss, but it's really a name for the process by which your body converts food into fuel. 

Even at rest, your body needs energy — in the form of calories you've eaten — for basic functions such as circulating blood, breathing, and growing and repairing cells. Up to 75 percent of the calories you take in every day go toward this resting metabolic rate, or RMR (sometimes called basal metabolic rate, or BMR). The remainder gives you the fuel you need for daily activities and helps with digestion. (Yes, the mere act of processing foods burns calories!) 

Most women need 1,200 calories a day to support their RMRs, plus 200 to 400 extra calories for daily activities (and even more if you exercise regularly). Unfortunately, whatever surplus your body can't use ends up stored as junk in your trunk (or thighs or belly). 

"It's simply a matter of intake versus output," says cardiologist Joseph Klapper, M.D., author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Metabolism. 
"Consume more calories than your metabolism needs, and you'll gain weight."



Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one
important food supply to the cancer cells
. Sugar substitutes like
NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is
harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses
but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make
it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the
gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus
. By cutting off milk and
substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells are being starved.

Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is
acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than
beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones
and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds,
nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline
environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh
vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach
down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth
of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try
and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts)
and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at
temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea
is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties.
Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins
and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive

enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied
and leads to more toxic buildup.

Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from
or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of
cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer

Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Florescence,
Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the
body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like
vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the
body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded

So our Body, Mind and Spirit must be very strong to fight against anything that throws a challenge to our very existence. LIFE. 



Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins:

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not
show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few
billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer
cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are
unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the
detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be
destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple
nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental,
food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and
including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and
also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow,
gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver,
kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages
healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce
tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not
result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and
radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence
the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and
become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer
cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by
not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.

Cancer… the dreadful killer, I saw killing

YES, 12 years back, I was one of those unfortunate brothers, to witness my very own sister slowly sinking to this killer disease in front of my eyes. And I could not do anything nor well reputed doctors around her.  

I got this mail in my mail box from a friend talking of Cancer and how one can beat it , crush it,  all its evil intentions to kill you from inside if… and only if,
YOU remain strong, and do what you need to do like.

It is better to be more aware about this deadly killer disease.

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and
positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.

Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising
daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular
level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Read this interesting mail on my Blog…
Lifestyle news4you for healthy living

Ajay Angre
Founder Lifestyle-news4you

Old Wisdom of Treating Hypertension

Simple ways to Treating Hypertension
by: Kurt Nimmo

In today’s world of science and technology, sometimes the most wise thing to do is turn to the old and ancient wisdom to seek the cures for today’s illnesses, such as hypertension. 

Ayurvedic medicine, or ancient Indian science of healing has long known that there are certain simple lifestyle changes which can be made to tackle high blood pressure without medicine. 

For example, regular exercise is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure and a good exercise program, particularly endurance exercises such as jogging or athletics, will cause the peripheral resistance to decrease and help to eliminate body fat, lower total cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol that prevents fatty - cholesterol deposits.

But lets go even simpler. The simple effect of nurturing, love and affection can significantly drop your blood pressure. Aired cautions us to always speak the truth as lying has been found to boost blood pressure, because it require a lot of mental exercise. Speak gently and try not to get annoyed, speaking loudly and rapidly can significantly raise your blood pressure during conversation. In addition, chronic anger produces elevation in blood pressure and it can be a serious risk factor for coronary - heart - disease. 

So be cool, speak softly and even in event of extreme displeasure. As we have long known, Aired says that laughter is the best medicine and is as good as relaxation therapy, exercise or other methods used to overcome stress. Study shows that laughter decreases adrenaline and cortisol production. Laughter can help you if you are having high blood pressure. If you are frustrated, unhappy, angry, just laugh and find yourself away from rage–it is of the effective medicine and it is free.

Finally, for complete tranquility of mind, meditate. Concentrate on the incoming and outgoing breath, focusing on the temperature of the breath as it flows in and out. You may notice the exhaled air is slightly warmer than the inhaled air. If you focus the mind on the breath for 10 minutes, mental disturbance gets diminished and blood pressure normalizes. Many will find that by implementing these simple changes, medication is not necessary at all.

Kurt nimmo is a health specialist and exercise guru. For more tips and advice by kurt, visit .

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Drinking water keeps you healthy always

Drinking water is an essential nutrient for healthy living

Drinking water can help you in your efforts to lose weight, says a Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center nutritionist.

"Water can decrease your appetite," said Mara Z. Vitolins, R.D., Dr. P.H., assistant professor of public health sciences (epidemiology). "It is hard to distinguish between being thirsty and being hungry, so try drinking water and waiting 20 to 30 minutes to see if you're still hungry."

Vitolins, who also is part of the Center for Research on Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention, added that drinking water also may help you cut calories.

"Most people drink sodas, coffee, and other such beverages and totally disregard drinking plain water," she said. "Replacing the higher calorie beverages with plain water or flavored water (without added sugar) can significantly reduce calories."

Furthermore, most of these drinks contain caffeine. "The caffeine acts as a diuretic to set you up for dehydration. By the time you feel thirsty, you already are dehydrated."

People of all ages need to drink plain water, she said.

"Water is an important nutrient and is vital for a variety of bodily functions and processes including removal of waste products, carrying nutrients, and regulating body temperature," she said. "Water helps reduce fluid retention, and helps keep bowel functions normal."

How much water is enough?
Vitolins says one way to calculate how much you need is to take your weight in pounds and divide by two. The result is the number of ounces of water you should drink a day. So a 100- pound woman needs to drink 50 ounces of water each day -- just a little more than four 12-ounce glasses, or three bottles of water (which usually are 500 milliliters or 16.9 ounces.) A 175-pound man would need five bottles of water.

"I think many people would greatly benefit by recording the amount of water they drink in a day," Vitolins said. "Many folks I have asked to do this are surprised at how little they drink. It is an essential nutrient yet so few actually get enough!"

Drinking plenty of water is as important in the winter as it is during the summer, Vitolins said.
"Most people realize fluid is used to produce sweat which keeps us cool during exercise and the hot temperatures of summer, but not as many are aware that the body also needs water to stay warm," she said. "The best way to illustrate this is to think of your car. The radiator needs fluid regardless of the weather."

A word of caution: Vitolins said some people need to speak with their physician prior to increasing their water intake, "especially people with kidney problems that require fluid restriction."

Water is Life

Why water is precious for our life?

We all know without water we can not live. No living creature can. And water is in its purest form not in abundance on this planet. Yes the salty sea water is which is of no use for our living. We have not understood importance of this precious element on this planet without which we can not survive. Such a precious element on which the entire life hangs on. Even a drop can  give someone life.

But this precious life element, we have replaced today by soft drinks. The change of this acceptance has come about only because of commercially motivated marketing campaigns. We are bombarded for the past 5-6 decades about how these soft drinks are good for us and quench our thirst instantly. These products are positioned with style statements, as contemporary substitutes for our thirst. 

Are these claims hold any truth?  Read what the experts have to say.  The Western society has learned it the hard way. Soft drinks which are only sugar and water, with some added flavors, are now considered very bad for human consumption. It is not me who is saying this but the experts from medical field, from all over the world agree that the obesity related complications in early ages are developed because of these sugary drinks and all of them are like poisons for our body.

The world medical health fraternity says it. The dietitians say it. Our health care specialist say it. But the present generation just doesn’t want to listen to facts and want to carry on with their costly style statements to showoff with the peer group. Because their celebrities from film world and sports world are endorsing the style statements. They don’t realize that they earn millions of dollars to influence you with their advertising stunts and dramatics. That 's all.

Ask them, if they allow their children to flush the same poison through their throats? I am sure they don’t. But then why do we ruin our health? Why do we go for cold soft drinks so easily than going for good pure natural healthy water? Which gives us life.

In our new post titled Water is Life we are presenting observations which are researched and studied by experts. Please read it.

Ajay Angre
Founder- Chief Editor -new4you

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You can prevent heart Attack

I got a very interesting book from a friend that was titled 
You can prevent Heart Attack.

YES! and it is written by Dr O.P.Jaggi. M.B.B.S.,M.D.,Ph.D., F.C.C.P.(USA), F.A.C.A. (USA) F.R.A.S.(LONDON) 

He is a renowned physician and a medical scientist of international standing. But more, a crusader in the field of demystifying medicine and medical facts of the common man.

He firmly believes in the concept of preventive medicine and therefore explaining medical facts in his book. During his professional life extending over30 years, he has traveled widely and studied health problems under different environments. He has offered his services as a senior consultant, Physician to overseas Governments on Total-Health-Care.

On Lifestyle news4you, we will tell you what his professional expert views are on many serious issues about present day lifestyle and ideas. You must read his this book and many others.

Njoy reading Dr Jaggis expert advise on healthy living lifestyle.

The important factors that are responsible for coronary artery narrowing are the following we must understand

1- Excess of fats and Cholesterol in the blood
2- High Blood Pressure
3- Over weight
4- Diabetes

Others are family history, physical inactivity, mental stress and cushy lifestyle.

After heart attack, how to prevent another one and still lead a active life? The author of this book tells you how it's possible to prevent. He also guides you what lifestyle you must adopt to keep you in good health for longer life.

Read all about each of the above RISK factor he has elaborately written for you in his book called YOU can PREVENT HEART ATTACK.

It is a publication of Orient Paperbacks, ( A division of vision Book Pvt.Ltd.)

Madrasa Rd, Kashmere Gate-Delhi 110 006

Ajay Angre
Founder :Lifestyle news4you


Ways to manage hypertension

Managing hypertension for healthy living

Do you see a Doctor about your hypertension (BP) and follow with a regular checkups?

Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when excessive force is exerted against the artery walls as the heart pumps blood. It is a silent killer because people suffering from hypertension can be asymptomatic (without symptoms) for years.

A hypertensive person may develop a headache,
light headedness, ringing in the ear and a rapid heartbeat. If untreated, hypertension can lead to many degenerative diseases including congestive heart failure, end-stage renal disease, heart attack and stroke.

A normal resting blood pressure reading for an adult is 120 mm Hg (systolic)/ 80 mm Hg (diastolic). An individual is considered hypertensive if his systolic blood pressure remains at 140 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher or both. 

Studies have suggested a link between high blood pressure and a low intake of calcium. Magnesium has been shown to help in lowering blood pressure. You may try taking calcium and magnesium supplement which also contains zinc and vitamin D3 for synergistic action and enhanced absorption. 

Omega-3 in fish oil supplements can help in lowering
both the readings for systolic (blood pumped from the heart to the cells) and diastolic (blood pumped from the cells to the heart) so that harmful blood clots are not triggered and lodged in the blood vessels. 

Salt intake has been linked to hypertension. Eliminating salt from the diet helps to lower blood pressure in most people. Go on a vegetarian diet as fruits and vegetables are the main sources of potassium, a known blood pressure lowering mineral. 

The fiber provided in a vegetarian diet may also help reduce high blood pressure

Reduce intake of dairy fat and cholesterol. Avoid caffeine from coffee, tea, chocolate and cola drinks. Avoid alcohol. Exercise regularly. Weight loss can lower blood pressure in individuals who are overweight and hypertensive. Manage stress wisely. Relaxation techniques which include deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga help in lowering blood pressure. 

Stop smoking as, together with hypertension, it greatly increases the risk of heart disease.

Natural ways to prevent Diabetes

What care you must take in many Natural ways to prevent diabetes:  Lac Tran

Diabetes is a medical disorder which is characterized by hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels. This is usually due to problems with the secretion of insulin, the hormone responsible for controlling blood sugar levels within the body. The two main forms of the condition - Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. In both cases diet is a key factor in the treatment of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed very early on in life and is caused by a genetic fault which affects the body̢۪s ability to secret insulin. Most people with Type 1 diabetes have to take daily insulin injections. Diet is very important for these people as a means of controlling their diabetes however dietary change cannot prevent Type 1 Diabetes from occurring.

The number of cases of Type 2 Diabetes has increased drastically in recent years. It is often referred to as Adult Onset Diabetes and occurs later in life. It is strongly associated with increased body mass and obesity, and the risk of developing this disease can be greatly reduced through dietary monitoring, weight reduction and exercise.

Uncontrolled or untreated diabetes has many risks, which can be life threatening. Such complications include cardiovascular disease, chronic renal failure, and retinal and nerve damage. Therefore it is clear that seeking treatment of diabetes, in addition to general advice on living with the condition is very important. Proper diet, medication and lifestyle changes can keep diabetes under control.

The risks of developing Type 2 Diabetes can be greatly reduced with a few easy-to-make lifestyle changes. It has been proved that wrong eating habits, obesity, lack of exercise, bad habits like smoking and stress all contribute to causing Type 2 diabetes. The Harvard Medical School associate, the Joslin Diabetes Center has noted that at least 10 million Americans who are at high risk for Type 2 diabetes can lower their chances of getting the disease with diet and exercise. This has been proved over again in subsequent studies.

Eating sugar and refined carbohydrates does not cause diabetes, however a high intake of these foods may contribute significantly towards weight gain - which is responsible for diabetes. Achieving and maintaining an ideal body weight as an important step in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

A reduction in both simple sugars and the intake of simple carbohydrates is ultimately beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. This means reducing white bread, simple cereals, juices and high-sugar beverages. Complex carbohydrates like whole grain pasta, breads, pulses and basmati rice should be eaten in preference - portion size is still important though.

Carbohydrates should be spread through the day, with a small to moderate portion at each meal. Proteins assist in building muscle tone and repairing cells; however some protein-containing foods are high in fat such as meat. Therefore keep protein portions to around the size of your fist, and take 1 portion with each meal. Choose lean options such as fish, eggs, tofu and lean meat.

An overall reduction in fat intake is important in both the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Identify the harmful and good fats in your diet and make the appropriate changes. Trans fats, found in many processed foods, are the most harmful. 

Saturated animal fat found in meat and dairy also contributes to boosting your cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats such as olive, peanut and canola oils have protective effects - so use these as your oil of choice. Avocados and nuts also contain monounsaturated fats. Drinking plenty of water is essential to wash away the toxins from the body.

A good fruit and vegetable intake is crucial in the treatment of diabetes. These items contain an array of anti oxidant vitamins as well as different types of fibers that help to stabilize blood sugars. Of course fruit contains some natural sugar (fructose) so if you have been diagnosed with diabetes you need to ensure you spread it throughout the day and stick to around 3 portions.

Exercise is crucial in preventing diabetes - both from the point of view of regulating weight and in preventing insulin resistance (which can occur prior to the development of diabetes). Jogging, swimming, tennis or joining a gym are all recommended but failing that just try to ensure you walk as much as possible each day.

There are some natural remedies available for the treatment of diabetes like fenugreek seeds, onion and garlic, margosa or neem extracts (azadirachta indica - a subtropical tree) and bitter melon or bitter gourd extracts. Such remedies have no proven efficacy however and should not replace prescribed medication for diabetes control.

Author Bio: Mitamins team

High Cholostral?

High Cholesterol? Mitamins Team

What’s the big deal about blood cholesterol anyway?

Is your cholesterol high, low, middling, whatever? Well, the fact of the matter is that if you have high cholesterol you could be well on your way to a heart attack or stroke so that’s reason enough to start worrying about it.

Is your cholesterol high?

Let us look at what could contribute to high blood cholesterol. It could be all that weight you are carrying around, it could be all that junk food you are downing everyday, it could be the lazy, laid-back life you love which thinks of exercise and shudders. It could be your cholesterol is high due to stress - at home, at work, maybe even at play. And for women over 50 with high cholesterol, it could just be the fact that they are over 50

You might just say, So what if my cholesterol is high?
Well, if your cholesterol is high, you need to know this. We all have good cholesterol HDLs or high density lipoproteins and bad cholesterol LDLs or low density lipoproteins. HDLs are the transporters - they carry the excess cholesterol to the liver to be broken down.

LDLs, however, can cause a build-up of plaque in the arteries. If high cholesterol symptoms are left untended, it can give you a rather rude wake-up call, i.e. a heart attack. The trouble is the problem sneaks up on you so quietly, and very often high cholesterol shows no warning signs and you don’t really know about it till it explodes.

That’s why it is important to have your self checked for symptoms of high cholesterol and to check that your LDL levels are below100 mg/dL and your HDL levels are over 40 mg/dL

What ways are there to treat high cholesterol, or better still, prevent it?

Well, exercising, giving up smoking and controlling your weight are great ways to begin. You could also look at a low cholesterol diet (for high cholesterol) and at what Nature has to offer. One natural remedy that packs quite a punch is garlic.

All you need to do is to pop a clove in your mouth and chew first thing every morning – it is a great LDL-fighter. If you just can not do it, then chop it up and swallow it down with water. If even that is too much, try taking garlic supplements in capsule.
Natural Remedy for High Cholesterol contains garlic extract amongst other vitamins, herbs and minerals thought to reduce bad cholesterol. Fish oil or Omega-3 is a great natural remedy for the treatment and prevention of high cholesterol too. Participants in a study who took a daily fish oil supplement actually had a 40% lower chance of sudden heart-related deaths than non-fish-oil takers. That is probably why Eskimos hardly suffer from high cholesterol. Also good are oat bran, red rice and avocado. A 1000mg Vitamin C tablet a day is also supposed to help when cholesterol is high. The trick is to measure cholesterol levels at least once every five years and to get what is called a  a lipoprotein profile.

Is your cholesterol high? Managing cholesterol levels and making sure they are not high is in your hands so do the best you can for your health.

Author Bio: Mitamins team Targeted: High Cholesterol;
Safety: Avoid Vitamins Overdose, Supplement Drug Interactions; Quality: Freshly Made with Brand Ingredients. vitamin support for high cholesterol treatment(

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Healthy ways for Greater Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss tips By Darren O Connell

Healthy weight loss at young age prevents the onset of many lifestyle related diseases.
Sometimes, obese people try to loose too much weight in quick time. They think that this may work for them and it is simple to do so. In reality, it is not that easy to lose weight in a healthy way, without knowing how to keep it off. In fact, it requires a completely new way of thought.

Long Term Weight Loss Goals:

A main goal is to lose few pounds and then, keep it off for a long time. Below mentioned are some important tips to achieve goals:-

Do a self check on what to eat and when to eat.
Maintain an honest food record until a week. Note down everything that you drink or eat. Take the help of these things to set new food goals. These small changes can easily help to change the existing food habits. 

Never look for a magic bullet diet. They never exist.
It is better to base the eating habits on whatever a person finds out in his/her self-check food records. Also, check personal snacking habits.

Always remain ready to change the food habits.
It is time to say goodbye to some of the unhealthy food choices and food habits.

Give importance to daily physical activity. The main thing is to remain active throughout the day.

Below are some tips that can give a start to daily lifestyle changes:

1- Learn how to eat to stay healthy.
2- Get hints on how to make healthy eating possible.
3- Clear the pantry and refrigerator of any tempting item. It is simple to say no, 
when these items  are out of the house.
4- Stock the house with plenty of healthy and natural foods. Keep the refrigerator stored with fresh fruits and vegetables. Always keep sweets and fatty foods to a minimum.
5- Use raw vegetables, salads, fruit and soups to fill up. To eat few calories does not mean to face an empty plate. It is important to have a feeling of a full stomach. This may discourage any need to eat those items that help to sustain and increase weight.
6- Think about how to handle common food problems. Never put them on hold. There are certain occasions, when a fast food meal becomes inevitable. So, stress on the most satisfying and healthiest options.

Weight loss Benefits:

Weight loss has a plenty of benefits. Some of them improve the health. Some others help a person to feel better. Before getting ready to lose weight, prepare a list as to how losing a few pounds can benefit an individual. Put up the list on either the bathroom mirror or the refrigerator.

Follow the tips mentioned below:

Breathe easier and move around easier.
Play more with children or grandchildren.
Improve blood fats in case they are not within a healthy range.
Take some time off for meditation and yoga.

To embark on a quick weight loss, it is important to set realistic and short term goals. 
For instance, think about losing 10, 15 or even 5 pounds.

Darren O Connell - Weight loss articles Free Health Fitness & Fat loss E-books

Going Nuts! By: Kurt Nimmo

Going Nuts is the natural way living healthy. 

Most people are truly afraid of nuts when they are trying to lose weight because of all the calories and fat that they contain. And yes, the overly salted and oiled roasted nuts on the bar at your local pub are not friendly when it comes to getting leaner.
But eat them raw and with skins intact and you’re actually on your way to building muscle and fighting food cravings and disease. You see, nuts are filled with protein , monounsaturated fats (the good ones), vitamin E, folate (in peanuts), fiber, magnesium, phosphorus and they can help you combat obesity, heart disease, muscle loss, cancer.

Check out these stats: In the U.S. Physicians Study, researchers found that men who consumed nuts 2 or more times per week were 47% less likely to die from heart attack and had a 30% reduction in risk for heart disease. The Adventist Health Study showed that those who ate nuts frequently (over 4 times per week) showed significant reduction in heart attacks (51% fewer heart attacks). Pretty amazing stuff.

So my favorite nuts to eat are:

Almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts—sometimes I’ll make a mix of nuts and grab a handful so I can get the health benefits of them all on a daily basis. I also love Brazil nuts which are expensive but high in zinc and selenium—you could even eat one per day as a mineral supplement if you’re on a budget.
So how much should you eat?
Try for two handfuls a day. And if you eat 2 ounces of almonds (about 24 of them), it can suppress your appetite–especially if you wash them down with 8 ounces of water.

Ideas for eating nuts:

Include almonds or cashews in chicken dishes.
Make a peanut sauce to go with stir-fry. Add 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter to rice and vegetables.

Also, this one is really tasty: spray a handful of almonds with canola oil and bake them at 400 degrees F for 5 -10 minutes, remove from oven and sprinkle them with a brown sugar and cinnamon mix or cayenne pepper and thyme. One of my favorites. 

Kurt nimmo is a health specialist and exercise guru. For more tips and advice by kurt, visit

Olive Oil magic

Eat Olive Oil for Muscles Like Popeye: by Kurt Nimmo

Once in a while there will be a food that will pop up on this blog that’s good for everyone including us who are on the journey towards muscle mass and fat loss.   And here’s the one that has done just that today: olive oil. 

The famous oil of the Mediterranean and heart healthy diets, olive oil can actually help us to build muscle, believe it or not.  The monounsaturated fat or MUFA in olive oil may act as an anti-catabolic nutrient, which means it prevents muscle breakdown by lowering levels of the cellular protein called tumor necrosis factor-a, which is related to muscle wasting and weakness.  All olive oil is high in MUFAs, but extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) has a higher level of free-radical-fighting vitamin E too, which we all need a little extra of.

We already know that olive oil and monounsaturated fats have been associated with everything from lower rates of heart disease and colon cancer to a reduced risk of diabetes and osteoporosis and olive oil actually boasts some other more classic nutrients as well, such as vitamins E, K, and A as well as polyphenols, squalene, oleocanthol, triterpenes.  Oleic Acid or omega 9 makes up 55 - 85 % of the fatty acids in olive oil and it's great for your skin too.

It helps keep arteries supple and helps prevent colon cancer as well: maybe as much as fruits and veggies, according University of Oxford researchers.  Studies also indicate that extra virgin olive oil may help to lower blood pressure and olive oil promotes the secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones naturally, and lowers the incidence of gallstones.

So what are some ways you can up your intake of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

Serve a small condiment dish with extra virgin olive oil for use on bread, potatoes or other vegetables instead of butter and try adding a few drops of balsamic vinegar or a sprinkling of your favorite spices to the olive oil for a great flavor.  Be sure to buy and store oil in opaque containers and add olive oil to foods immediately after cooking.

Kurt nimmo is a health specialist and exercise guru. For more tips and advice by kurt, visit

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