No More Spare Tires! by: Joe Kozma
This article will discuss strategies I use as a personal trainer to help people get rid of the spare tire around the middle that so many people desire to lose.
The first and most important part of my program is consistent, regular exercise. The primary reason people put on unwanted body fat is inactivity or too little activity, thus, course of action number one is to remedy this problem with vigorous weight training sessions and challenging cardio workouts.
I'll split up the weight training workouts, making sure to work abs and calves every day:
Monday, chest and arms, Tuesday, shoulders and back, Thursday, legs and butt Friday, chest and arms, Saturday, shoulders and back.
As you can see the whole body will be worked over the course of three workouts and this cycle will be continually repeated.
Cardio must be done for weight reduction programs and weight training will be done every day. Many things can be changed with just the addition of regular exercise, but reducing carbs will help you achieve your goals more quickly. Since we're talking about losing your spare tire,
let's focus on abdominal specific exercises.
1.) hanging leg raises
2.) abdominal crunches on a machine
3.) seated trunk rotations on a machine
With regard to nutrition, I will create a totally customized plan for the individual and this program will emphasize reduced carbohydrate and fat consumption. This is a typical program I would use for a 200 lb male. The meals will be precisely three hours apart.
Meal one, two full servings of oatmeal, I'll even let you add a little honey; Meal two, one grilled or steamed chicken breast accompanied by a dark, leafy salad; Meal three, eight ounces of tilapia and steamed veggies; Meal four, same as meal three; Meal five, one Muscle Milk protein drink.
If this program is diligently followed the body fat will quickly fall off and I will have a happy and successful client.
At times there are issues which must be overcome with regard to the eating plan. Difficulty keeping the client motivated to eat in a clean and healthy way often crops up. I have clients record what they actually eat and report it to me, this helps a great deal in keeping the clients compliant enough with the eating program to see optimum results. In addition, I use a number of creative, motivational techniques which can also be found in my article "Diet Doldrums." I highly advise you to read this article as well as a motivational aid.
About The Author
Fort Lauderdale Personal Trainer Joe Kozma is a former national bodybuilding champion and college football player. Joe's fitness and weight loss service provides extreme body makeovers, strength gain, and more. See his clients at his Fort Lauderdale Fitness website at
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