Friday, November 27, 2009

Why a strong immune system means better health.

Boost Your Health with a Stronger Immune System –
By: Chris Robertson

A strong immune system means better health. Why?

Your immune system is responsible for a number of vital functions that enable you to lead a normal, healthy life. And thankfully, there are unique natural products on the market today that can boost your immune system tremendously.

Why Is the Immune System So Important?

A healthy immune system helps us fight off infectious diseases such as the flu, HIV, cancer, SARS, varying herpes conditions, etc. It also helps our bodies fight infections that are caused by diabetes, which can lead to serious health complications if the immune system is weak. The immune system helps clear the body of unwanted waste, dead cells and toxic chemicals. It also helps fight off certain allergies and autoimmune problems such as arthritis.

A healthy immune system helps to slow aging, while a weak immune system causes you to be sick more often or for longer periods of time. Prolonged sickness in itself may speed the aging process as it causes the body to grow weaker and more fragile.

If you're susceptible to catching the flu each year, a stronger immune system may help your body ward off the flu virus. Even episodes of the common cold and stomach viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting can be greatly reduced simply by strengthening your immune system.

Other Ways to Boost Your Health

You can contribute to a stronger immune system by bettering your eating habits. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. These have antioxidant properties and can help your health in many ways. When possible, grow your own produce or visit a local produce stand for the freshest whole fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, sodas, sugary juices, alcoholic beverages and sweets as much as possible.

If you're a chocolate lover, opt for a high quality dark chocolate instead of regular chocolate. Dark chocolate is known for its antioxidant properties. And don't forget those essential fatty acids - Omega 3 (found in many types of fish) and Omega 6 (found in blackcurrant seed oil, sesame, evening primrose, etc.).

Last, but certainly not least...drink plenty of fresh, natural water daily to boost your health and strengthen your immune system. Water should be your main beverage throughout the day. If you don't like the taste of water, try out several brands of natural spring water in the bottle. You'll be surprised at the difference in taste among waters. If you must have tea or the occasional soda, limit these to drinking them with one or two meals per day, but consume plenty of water between meals.

Use these tips and be sure to try a natural immune-boosting product for a healthier you!

About the Author

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies. For tips/information, click here: health
Visit Majon's health-products-health-vitamins-dieting directory.


Prevention of a common cold

How to treat a Common Cold - By: Leanne James

Prevention of a cold includes adequate sleep and a well balanced diet that reinforces the immune system. A low fat, high fiber diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables is recommended. Supplementation may help reduce severity and length of infection.

Treatment of cold and flu includes adequate fluids (hot kinds, except for milk, are best), which helps to sustain the losses that occur with a fever and evaporation from breathing through your mouth. Liquids may include drinks such as Chicory or Dandelion coffee (start with a very weak cup 1st and gradually increase the strength of this and the frequency of the drinks), Immuni-tea, Red Raspberry tea, Chamomile and other tonic teas. Tepid to warm water with or without lemon juice added is also a good choice. Consume only simple foods. Avoid sugar, breads, tea, coffee, meat or junk food. The best things to have would be vegetable broths or soups (carrots, onion, parsley, potato etc), vegetable juices (carrots, parsley, celery), steamed vegetables, or a baked potato. Fruit is acceptable, but not citrus, except for lemons.

You can have small quantifies of fruit juice; two 150ml servings per day maximum (no citrus juices, except lemon). This needs to be diluted 50/50 with water.

Natural medicine works fantastically for colds and flu. Echinacea acts as a natural antibiotic and immune system stimulant. It is ideal for upper respiratory problems and problems relating to the glands, such as tonsillitis and laryngitis. We have liquid Echinacea in Cold Relief or Triplex, which has 3 different varieties of Echinacea, as well as Relief lozenges.

If you have a cough or bronchial infection, take Mullein. Mullein is particularly good for coughing at night time and is a central nervous system relaxant. We also have Relief cough mixture for children, a very powerful cough syrup.

Vitamin C - 500mg every hour till bowel motions become looser. Do this except in cases where a lot of mucous exists, as it may exacerbate mucous production.

If you suffer with repetitive colds and flu you should take a course of Astraforte. This is a deep immune tonic that helps rebuild the immune system. It is best not taken while sick but as an ideal tonic for a pre-winter immune system boost.

For the relief of sore throat use the intensive dosage of Relief, take White Willow Bark capsules or gargle with Sage tea. Allow Relief liquid to trickle down your throat. Alternatively you can use Relief Lozenge's. For a cough we recommend Relief cough syrup. This is an effective cough mixture and this comes in both an adult and child formula.

Other nutrients include Zinc, which if taken at the first sign of infection will avoid or shorten the duration of a cold. Unsaturated fatty acids reduce the incidence and duration of colds. Vitamin B6 helps in the production of antibodies that defend the body against infection. However you should not take any single B vitamin on its own, as this can cause a depletion in the other B vitamins. So take a B complex. Vitamin A is necessary to maintain the health of mucous membranes of the respiratory passages. Some people have found that taking vitamin D has helped in the prevention of colds.

Nutritional and Herbal support includes:

Advanced Antioxidant Formula - Supplies all the antioxidants for immune modulation.

Bio Attack - A potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial herbal formula, containing olive leaf and garlic.

Emphysemol - A liquid herbal tonic specifically for congestion, lung problems, phlegm and for immune support.

Sambucol Immune - Elderberry extract. An excellent viral herb. Great for tonsillitis.

Zinc - An important mineral needed for correct immune functioning.

Eutherol - Fabulous antiseptic formula. Perfect for treating and soothing sore throats, colds and sinus problems. Delicious and may be used frequently to shorten infection time.

Some interesting points on the Common Cold:

Keep the body heated by using hot pungent herbs, like ginger, horseradish, and fenugreek. These warm the body, increase digestion, reduce congestion (breeding ground for infections) and enhance the nutrient absorption of foods.

Children with frequent colds or flu may need to be checked for thyroid problems.

Maintain intake of fluids, sip hot liquids such as chicken soup or vegetables broths.

At the first sign of a cold, use an Echinacea liquid extract (Ideal Health stocks a full range) to boost your immune system and keep the virus from multiplying. Take your multivitamin twice a day.

Remain as active as possible. Moving around helps to loosen mucus and stimulates the lymphatic system which is responsible for some of your immunity. This does not mean strenuous exercise such as running - this would further weaken your body.

It is unlikely that a vaccine will ever be developed to prevent the common cold because the viruses responsible have the ability to change in size and shape, and have hundreds of different forms.

Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, but are effective against bacteria. Viruses and bacteria may produce similar symptoms, but they are different kinds of microbes and do not respond to the same treatment.

About the Author
Click the link if you would like to find out more about Leanne James or Common Cold

Swine Flu - Precaution

Swine Flu - Precaution And Prevention Measures 
By: Roberto Sedycias

Swine flu displays regular human flu symptoms including cough, fever, body ache, fatigue, sore throat, chills and headache.  

Antiviral medicines are available to prevent and treat swine flu, but right now appropriate vaccine is not available to protect from swine flu. Spreading of these germs can be prevented as it causes respiratory illnesses such as influenza by:

  1. Avoiding contact with sick patients, avoiding touching your mouth, eyes or nose as the germs spread faster in this way.

  1. Covering mouth and nose using a tissue while coughing or sneezing and immediately throwing the tissue in a trash after one use.

  1. Washing hands using soap and water, particularly after sneezing or coughing is essential and also using hand cleaners that are alcohol-based is preferred.

  1. Staying at home when you are sick without attending school or your work place is suggested to prevent spreading of this infection.

Immediate care is recommended on the initial symptoms of swine flu. The symptoms vary from person to person as there are patients having high fever, body ache and sore throat, while some complain about running nose, vomiting and diarrhea. However, these symptoms alone does not declare a person being infected by swine flu and is confirmed after the respiratory specimen lab test.

Precautions taken helps in minimizing the risk and the simplest way is covering the nose and mouth by wearing a mask. Mask covering assists in avoiding spreading the infection especially, when an infected person comes in contact. Precautions also include maintenance of high levels of hygiene, by washing hands frequently using soap and water. Subsequently, as influenza spreads through contact and air, surface sanitizing is also one of the best ways to prevent infections. Effective sanitizer is alcohol and even bleach can be employed to sanitize rooms and equipments used by patients having influenza symptoms.

Prevention of swine flu is considered in the aim of limiting the risks and this can be done by:

  1. - Building and balancing the immune system, as it is believed that this infection affects people having compromised immune systems easily. Hence, balancing and improving the overall immune system is the best solution to beat swine flu.

  1. Improving overall health is highlighted as mostly people having underlying medical conditions are easily prone to this risk. Getting into better shape is essential so that your body is a warrior to attack swine flu and this can be achieved by going on physical fitness program.

  1. Washing hands before and after meals is mandatory, besides also wash after shaking hands with outsiders. This is simple but very protective to keep you at a safe distance from getting infected.

  1. Avoiding crowded areas is advised as there are more chances of acquiring this flu mainly because it is difficult to identify swine flu inflected people, even if they stand next to you.

  1. Avoid visiting patients infected with swine flue is highly recommended as this enhances all the chances of spreading swine flu.

  1. Checking the temperature of your body regularly is advised as fever is the main swine flu symptom.

Treatment plays a significant role in preventing spreading of this deadly infection and also in curing the ailment.

People with flu are suggested to take plenty of rest, avoid taking tobacco and alcohol and to drink lots of liquids such as fresh fruit juices and water. Taking medications to get relieved from fever and muscle aches is recommended, but definitely relying on self-medication is not advisable and hence getting in touch with the doctor will ensure the right treatment. Panicking on observing the symptoms will lead to seriousness, while maintaining coolness and getting tested will ascertain proper treatments.

About the Author

You can have access to articles about health in portuguese language from page Health Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

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