Self-esteem is built upon the experience of success.
When people experience success, they grow in self-confidence. As self-confidence grows, they feel empowered to face new challenges. As they succeed in confronting each challenge, they develop the capacity to cope with whatever life throws their way. That feeling leads to further growth of self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem.
To Maintain Healthy Self-Esteem...
1-Celebrate your strengths and achievements.
2- Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
3- Don't dwell on your weaknesses, every human has them.
4- Change the way you talk to yourself -- stop putting yourself down!
5- Be sure that you are not judging yourself against unreasonable standards.
6- Beating yourself for your weaknesses is self defeating. Use that energy for positive thoughts about you.
People With High Self-Esteem Are:
- Able to accept and learn from their own mistakes.
- Confident without being obnoxious or conceited.
- Not devastated by criticism.
- Not overly defensive when questioned.
- Not easily defeated by setbacks and obstacles.
- Unlikely to feel a need to put others down.
- Open and assertive in communicating their needs.
- Not overly worried about failing or looking foolish.
- Not harshly or destructively critical of themselves.
- Not aggressively driven to prove themselves.
- Able to laugh at themselves, not taking themselves too seriously.