Sunday, September 20, 2009

Should we believe in all advertising claims?

This week, Mike Geary had an interesting experience to share with all of us who have some real wrong notions about food, deceptive advertising claims and misguiding marketing slogans.

Mike Geary from is a Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer and a Founder of - &

Mike Geary talking about his interesting experience with a woman shopping for her grocery. The fact is,  it is a story that relates to many of us in reality when we go grocery shopping. We do get influenced by packaging and what it says about healthy food inside it. But most of the time we are made suckers out of this marketing gimmicks. We believe all of their claims about low Cal, low cholesterol, low fats, no sugar etc as complete truth. Because, it has catchy marketing slogans saying Best for Breakfast, Good for Health, keeps your energy level up, packed with vitamins blah, blah, blah. 

What is the real truth? And how common people like us will know? What is really good for health and what is not?

This is our sincere efforts through Lifestyle news4you to brings in the views of experts to you from the world of web, from internet sources,  what the experts from health care think. You can then decide yourself, what is good and what is not for your health.

Our statement is… Stay natural and Stay healthy.

Ajay Angre
Founder : Lifestyle news4you 

Read what Mike Geary  is talking this week in his article that is rightly titled

Is something wrong with our grocery list?

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