Sunday, October 4, 2009

BAD Cholestrol- Be serious and get into action fast

Cholesterol Lowering Diet and Foods

A lot of care is essential,  High cholesterol levels are a result of improper eating habits, incidence of diseases, such as renal failure, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and liver diseases also result in high cholesterol levels.

Heredity factors are strong in raising the cholesterol, in addition to excessive work and stress. Obesity and increase in alcohol intake results increases the cholesterol levels.

A low fat diet with adequate intake of dietary fiber proves beneficial.

Decrease the in take of saturated fats, such as margarine, clarified butter, lard and butter. Weight maintenance, is crucial, in case of excessive body weight. Avoid refined foods such as pastries, refined flour and biscuits.

Substitute the recommended foods in your diet pattern.

A six meal pattern is better in comparison to three meals. Increase the intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and cereals in the diet. Choline, inositol and pyridoxine in the diet (wheat germ) are helpful to keep cholesterol in check. 

Vitamin E in foods, such as sprouted grains, sunflower and safflower seeds and grains are useful, as it is an effective antioxidant, which in turn helps in prevention of free radical damage.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids in fish, which has cardio protective effect. It reduces the bad cholesterol and helps in a significant increase in HDL or good cholesterol levels. Oats are healthy for breakfast, as they are a rich source of soluble fiber. Beta glucan, a soluble fiber in oats have a cardio protective effect.

Low Fat Diet to Reduce Cholesterol

A healthy low fat diet is also helpful in the reduction of hypertension of high blood pressure. The intake of salt needs some extra care, in addition to increase in dietary fiber.

Avoid the intake of high sodium foods, such as smoked meat, salted and refined foods, sauces, readymade soups, pickled fish, sauerkraut, sausages, hot dogs and hams. Read the food labels for effective selection of foods.

Avoid foods with mono sodium glutamate.

NUTS are excellent for good health: Research reveals the positive association between consumption of nuts and heart health. About one and a half ounce of nuts is accepted. They are energy dense and increase the calorie levels.

Pecans, pine nuts, walnuts, pistachios, almond, peanuts and hazelnuts are helpful. They are an excellent substitute for the high percentage of saturated fats in meat and other animal foods. Stanols or plant sterols are highly effective in cholesterol reduction. Soy products help to raise the HDL levels and decrease the bad cholesterol levels.

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