Q: Today Diabetes is seen in many young people. Is it because of bad lifestyle? Stress and tension? or also family history?
There can be many causes of diabetes, but most of the cases in relatively young people are direct or indirect effect of their lifestyles and could be avoided by healthy practices. The most probable reasons could be the following,
Poor Diet (Malnutrition Related Diabetes) : Improper nutrition, low protein and fiber intake, high intake of refined products are the expected reasons for developing diabetes.
Obesity and Fat Distribution : Being overweight means increased insulin resistance, that is if body fat is more than 30%, BMI 25+, waist grith 35 inches in women or 40 inches in males.
Sedentary Lifestyle : People with sedentary lifestyle are more prone to diabetes, when compared to those who exercise thrice a week, are at low risk of falling prey to diabetes.
Stress : Either physical injury or emotional disturbance is frequently blamed as the initial cause of the disease. Any disturbance in Cortiosteroid or ACTH therapy may lead to clinical signs of the disease.
Hypertension : It had been reported in many studies that there is direct relation between high systolic pressure and diabetes.
Serum lipids and lipoproteins : High triglyceride and cholesterol level in the blood is related to high blood sugars, in some cases it has been studied that risk is involved even with low HDL levels in circulating blood.
This is the third part of Healthy Talk By Dnyanada Chitle.Next week, we will be back with more questions on your health concerns for her expert opinions.
For private consultation on a specific health issue, please feel free to call her on Mob: 9869652627 for her appointment.
BestBridge Exerciseby: Health and Lifestyle Magazine
The spinal cord is the most important part of one's body. It gives shape to our body and defines our posture. It is extremely important to keep it in good shape and it can only be achieved through regular exercise. Exercise keeps the muscle flexible and the bones strong. Small injuries and fractures can be taken care of without problems if exercise is a regular habit.
One of the most important exercises for the back bone is the bridge exercise.
This exercise movement is for our core (midsection). This will strengthen our abdominal muscles which in return will support our low back and prevent injury in this area. Every one of us has undergone low back pain or knows of someone that has suffered damage in the lower back.
The human body was not intended to sit down, but in today's world, more and more people work on computers and sit for 18 out of 24 hours in the day. It is not astonishing that most people who do not lead an energetic lifestyle develop a weak lower back as well as weak abdominals, tight hamstrings and bad pose.
Most severe injuries we see today are due to bad posture. Since all areas of the body are linked in some way, what affects the lower body will ultimately affect the upper body, and the other way round. These two parts meet and connect at the low back and this relationship is what takes all the tension and keeps the package together.
The correct technique or method to do this exercise is we have to lie down on our stomach with our legs straight and together. Lift the upper body and place the elbows on the floor where the shoulders are while lying down. Flex the feet so that our toes are pushing into the floor. Tighten the entire body and lift our self up onto the elbows and the tips of the toes.
We have to confirm to keep our body and legs straight. We need to hold this position for as long as we can without feeling the strain in our low back. Initially we should start with a few seconds and try and add more time as we improvement week by week.
The points that we need to keep in mind when we try this exercise is that we should not let our hips sag too low. This will put pointless strain on the low back. We should not push our hips up too far. This will transfer too much of our weight onto our shoulders. We need to be sure that we don't hold our breath. Breathe out of the stomach while contracting the abdominal muscles as hard as we can.
If this movement causes pain in our back while performing it we should stop it. We might not be strong enough for this yet. We should strengthen up our abdominal muscles by doing alternative abdominal exercises. We should try this periodically until we feel comfortable doing it pain free. People suffering from shoulder and low back problems should be cautious while performing this exercise. We should keep in mind to set an achievable goal and have fun seeing our self improve and getting stronger.
I received this article titled" Are whole eggs or whites better?' from Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - http://TruthAboutAbs.com & http://BusyManFitness.com
I immediately opened the mail and started reading it as I wanted to know like all of you too want to know what is this story about eggs and egg yolk? Where is the cholesterol coming from? What is the truth? Why confusion?
I would rather Mike talk about it here... read all about it.
Mike Geary: I was on a weekend trip with some friends recently and one of my friends was cooking breakfast for the whole group. I went over to see what he was cooking and saw he was getting ready to make a big batch of eggs.
Well, to my shock and horror, I noticed that he was cracking the eggs open and screening the egg whites into a bowl and throwing out the egg yolks. I asked him why the heck he was throwing out the egg yolks, and he replied...
"because I thought the egg yolks were terrible for you...that's where all the nasty fat and cholesterol is".
And I replied, "you mean that's where all the nutrition is!"
This is a perfect example of how confused most people are about nutrition. In a world full of misinformation, somehow most people now mistakenly think that the egg yolk is the worst part of the egg, when in fact, the YOLK IS THE HEALTHIEST PART OF THE EGG!
By throwing out the yolk and only eating egg whites, you're essentially throwing out the most nutrient dense, antioxidant-rich, vitamin and mineral loaded portion of the egg. The yolks contain so many B-vitamins, trace minerals, vitamin A, folate, choline, lutein, and other powerful nutrients... it's not even worth trying to list them all.
In fact, the egg whites are almost devoid of nutrition compared to the yolk.
Even the protein in egg whites isn't as powerful without the yolks to balance out the amino acid profile and make the protein more bio-available. Not to even mention that the egg yolks from free range chickens are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.
Yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg. In addition, the yolks contain all of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as all of the essential fatty acids.
And now the common objection I get all the time when I say that the yolks are the most nutritious part of the egg...
"But I heard that whole eggs will skyrocket my cholesterol through the roof"
No, this is FALSE!
First of all, when you eat a food that contains a high amount of dietary cholesterol such as eggs, your body down-regulates it's internal production of cholesterol to balance things out.
On the other hand, if you don't eat enough cholesterol, your body simply produces more since cholesterol has tons of important functions in the body.
And here's where it gets even more interesting...
There are indications that eating whole eggs actually raises your good HDL cholesterol to a higher degree than LDL cholesterol, thereby improving your overall cholesterol ratio and blood chemistry.
And 3rd... high cholesterol is NOT a disease! Heart disease is a disease...but high cholesterol is NOT. You can read the following article about why trying to attack cholesterol is a mistake, and what the REAL deadly risk factors actually are...
So I hope we've established that whole eggs are not some evil food that will wreck your body... instead whole eggs are FAR superior to egg whites.
Also, your normal supermarket eggs coming from mass factory farming just don't compare nutritionally with organic free range eggs from healthy chickens that are allowed to roam freely and eat a more natural diet.
I recently compared eggs I bought at the grocery store with a batch of eggs I got at a farm stand where the chickens were free roaming and healthy.
Most people don't realize that there's a major difference because they've never bought real eggs from healthy chickens... The eggs from the grocery store had pale yellow yolks. On the other hand, the healthier free range eggs had deep orange colored yolks indicating much higher nutrition levels and carotenoids.
So next time a health or fitness professional tells you that egg whites are superior, you can quietly ignore their advice knowing that you understand the REAL deal about egg yolks.
One more thing about eggs...
I read a study recently that compared groups of people that ate egg breakfasts vs groups of people that ate cereal or bagel based breakfasts. The results of the study showed that the egg eaters lost or maintained a healthier bodyweight, while the cereal/bagel eaters gained weight.
It was hypothesized that the egg eaters actually ate less calories during the remainder of the day because their appetite was more satisfied compared to the cereal/bagel eaters who would have been more prone to wild blood sugar swings and food cravings. ... Mike
Ajay Angre Editor-in-Chief
Isn't it interesting? And it is coming from a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer. Many times we live in a world of confusion, myths, wrong notions and we are misinformed. Yes, this is a specialized area and health related issues must be carefully and cautiously dealt with. And the opinions must come from the health experts to follow. I hope that our attempt to give you the experts advise from the health field is informative, enlightening and helpful.
If you think this information is of value, please share it with your friends, family and colleagues.
Cholesterol is often referred categorized as either being good cholesterol or bad cholesterol.
However, have you ever taken the time to find out why cholesterol is described this way and what the actual difference is between the two types?
Cholesterol - What is It?
Cholesterol is an important component in our body that is found in the blood stream and cells. The body needs cholesterol in order to properly function because it contributes to a wide variety of hormones and helps the body to produce cell membranes.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol is carried in the blood stream. HDL cholesterol is considered good because it protects our heart from strokes and other cardiovascular diseases.
The optimal level of good cholesterol is about 40mg/dL.
On the other hand, bad cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is considered bad because if present in excessive quantities has a tendency to clog in the arteries which increases the chances of heat attacks or other heart related diseases. The optimal level of bad cholesterol is 200mg/dL or less. Higher amounts tend to increase the chance of heart problems.
Controlling Bad Cholesterol
There are a plethora of cholesterol drugs available and many natural remedies as well. However, it is strongly suggested that you approach any treatment using drugs with caution because many of the cholesterol drugs have serious side effects. Make sure your doctor thoroughly explains the potential side effects before you agree to start on a regiment that involves the taking of any drug.
You see, cholesterol is produced in the liver and one very important point to remember about statin drugs (i.e. drugs used to control cholesterol) is that they in essence, poison the liver so that it produces less cholesterol, which is why all advertisements that promote statin drugs mention that a liver test is required before getting started on statin drugs.
Hopefully, you have normal levels of both good and bad cholesterol and if you do you will clearly want to maintain that proper balance. Steps you can follow to keep your cholesterol in balance is the same as it is for overall optimal health: exercise and proper diet. Health eating includes consuming foods that are low in saturated and trans fat.
Get in the habit of reading food labels as they are required to provide the above mentioned data by law and therefore it''s much easier for you to choose food that is healthy and food that can lead to poor health and improper cholesterol levels.
Although the following food (i.e. egg yolks, poultry, meat, shellfish, butter and cheese) contains what has been determined as high levels of cholesterol it doesn’t mean that you need to totally avoid them. Simply eat them in moderation and you should be fine.
Take the time to learn a few of the basics about what constitutes both good cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels, monitor your food intake, get a reasonable amount of exercise (i.e. walking is great) and you’ll be well on your way to overall health and optimum cholesterol levels.
Fruits are excellent source of vitamins, minerals to keep you healthy
Fruit has been around since the beginning of the world, and man has been eating it for as long as man has been on this earth. Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and different types of enzymes that help to keep you healthy. Most fruits are easily digested and they have a cleansing effect on your blood and your digestive tract. Here is the nutritional value for a few common types of fruit:
Apples tend to help put a stop to diarrhea, and they also are a good source of calcium and vitamin A. The skin of an apple has far more nutritional value than the flesh, and it gradually decreases towards the center of the fruit.
Ripe bananas are also used to relieve diarrhea, whereas the unripe fruit can stop constipation. Bananas are very high in calories, which can give you a boost of energy when you are down. Bananas also contain many vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, iron, and vitamin C.
This fruit is used to cleanse the system, and can also help prevent dental problems. Cherries have also been used to help insomniacs get a good night sleep.
The nutritional value of this fruit is it tends to cool the body. Coconuts are also a rich source of potassium, and coconut oil is often found in shampoos and conditioners, because it has a restorative effect on hair.
Oranges are good for relieving thirst, and also contain many different vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, B, C and calcium. Oranges and orange juice have long been thought of to help give your immune system a boost, and to help fight sickness.
The nutritional value of a watermelon is that it is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. A watermelon is also very useful in cleansing your system including cleaning your kidneys, and purifying your blood. Watermelon can also help to fight different types of infections because it increases urine flow.
Lower Back Exercises for Back Pain Relief
By Dr Larry S. Case
Lower back exercises are an important component of any lower back pain relief program, and it is essential that that they are carried out correctly if they are not to exacerbate the problem. However, whether these exercises are appropriate for you or not will depend upon the cause of your back pain, and if you are suffering from a herniated disc you will need more specialized treatment prior to undertaking any exercise program.
Many people wrongly believe thatthey should never exercise with back pain, because they feel that will just make the condition worse. In fact, if you allow your back muscles, particularly those of the lower back, to progressively weaken through a lack of exercise during chronic back pain, then your spine will not be sufficiently supported and your back will become increasing weaker and more prone to further injury.
Exercise, therefore, is necessary for a quick and proper recovery, although it is important that you realize that you must not try to lift anything if you are suffering from, or have recently suffered from, acute back pain of any form. If you have chronic back pain never lift with a bent back, but with a straight back and lift with your knees. Any weigh over 30 pounds will too heavy for you, at least until you have built up your core strength.
If you have recently suffered a back injury, you should rest for a few days until the acute pain has subsided and then begin with just a few simple stretching exercises. Leave the strengthening exercises until the pain has subsided or you are liable to make your condition worse.
Many people can get used to the pain, and falsely believe that have become fit enough for more vigorous exercise, and then do themselves more lasting injury. It is very important that the pain has subsided prior to undertaking any lifting exercises or significant stretching, although you can try some simple stretches such as those detailed further below. These will help to relieve the pain by relaxing your muscles, and also improving the flexibility of your joints.
Before attempting any lower back exercises it is important to warm up your muscles. This gets the blood flowing through them and enables the muscles cells to contract without doing further damage. A warm bath or shower will help achieve this. Gentle stretching improves the circulation through the muscle tissue and helps to loosen them up. This helps to improve your mobility and relieve the pain.
Walking is a good exercise to begin with and so is swimming - particularly in warm water. Physiotherapists normally provide hydrotherapy in water at around 40C, close to blood temperature, that helps to loosen up the joints and muscles.
The initial lower back exercises provide very gentle but effective stretching, and work on your back indirectly by the movement of other areas of your body. Lying down flat on your back and slowly bending and straightening one knee, allowing your heels to slide up and down the floor is a gentle exercise that will do you no harm. Do this 10 times with each leg, and you will impart a gentle stretching motion on your lower back muscles.
Then, still lying down, you can try tightening your abdominal muscles with your arms down straight. Make sure you breathe normally doing this to keep your blood oxygenated. This will put slight pressure on your spine and your lower back muscles, stretching them and helping them to recover.
These lower back exercises, and others similar to them, will help provide acute lower back pain relief and help you to recover to a stage when you carry out more demanding exercises. You will never be truly recovered from back pain, however, until you are able to improve your core muscle strength, and the flexibility of your joints and muscles. All of these will provide stronger support for the bones of your spine and muscles of the lower back.
A gentle massage followed later when feel stronger by deeper massaging and stretching offer lower back exercises that will loosen up the joints and muscles and help provide this core flexibility needed for more permanent back pain relief. You can save on the cost of frequent professional massages by using power massage pads that provide the form of deep massage needed to free up the deep joints and relieve deep-seated muscular pain.
Once you are able to, more extensive stretching exercises will be needed to offer more lasting back pain relief from chronic conditions, and inversion tables are ideal to provide stretching exercises precisely targeted to the areas that have to be exercised.
Lower back exercises can be used both to help you regain your strength after acute back pain and to provide chronic back pain relief, but they must be carried out correctly and targeted to the muscles and joints that have to be stretched, made more flexible and strengthened.
About the Author
More information on lower back exercises and how to achieve lasting back pain relief is available on Dr. Case’s Back Pain Relief Website where he also offers massagers, inversion tables and other equipment that help relieve your back pain.
Profession: Electrical work. Worked actively for 40 years.
His Daily Lifestyle:
Day starts: 7 am
Takes a glassful of warm water. Cup of tea without sugar. Then goes for a walk for 45 mnt to one hour. Takes hot water bath.
Breakfast : Milk and Chapatis. Or any snack
Lunch menu: Veggie. Daal, rice and chapattis. Green vegetables, all variety of pulses. Like Moong, Matki, Chawali. Buttermilk. Takes about half a ltr of water from a copper jug.
After lunch…Walk in the house for half an hour. And then noon rest for one hour.
3.30 pm: one cup of Tea. And by evening 5 o’clock, goes out for a walk again around society. Back home by 6.30 pm and then watch TV programs.
Dinner time: 8.30-9pm
Dinner is light. Rice, chapattis, curd, buttermilk, loves pure ghee. By 10.30-11 pm goes to sleep.
Special notes : For sixty years, regular chewing of paan and tobacco.
Loves green leafy vegetables and more so pulses. Likes to have Vada pav once in a week. Likes chocolates too. No spicy food. More salads. But as a rule, never over eats. Eats little less always.
His sleep at night : Sound, deep and instant.
Notes by : Editor-in-Chief
The most surprising aspect I found about Senior Patwardhan is, he confessed his addiction to paan and tobacco for as long as 60 years. He regrets about his bad habit too and says I am lucky or fortunate not to have suffered, but strongly feels, no one should touch tobacco as it is harmful to health and everyone can not be as lucky as me. I am 85 and hardly anything to loose in life. So his message: Don't touch tobacco anytime.
Well, I was surprised to see him on his own traveling everywhere, at 85 age, He is physically fit, perfectly healthy human being enjoying his Silver years with his wife who too is 76 years and works 24 X 7. What keeps them going strong, always smiling and happy, is a subject I am personally wondering and studying.
Is it a mind set? Is it a state of mind? Or is it simply how you look at life?
My respect to these “Forever Young Minds” who have set classic examples for millions who feel useless, helpless, frustrated after crossing 50. But in reality, these seniors believe, come on guys, life begins at 50.
Forever Young Minds- the special feature on the healthy living seniors is conceived to inspire every young and old to look at life on your terms.
The message?Just don’t think your age!And don’t act your age either!
Stay Healthy. Stay fit. Stay happy to live a long life.
Health:Normal. No BP. No Diabetes. No major health issue at this age and No major sickness till date.
Eyesight: Clear.
Hearing: Little problem
Family: 3 daughters and 2 sons
Profession, a teacher and was teaching in a school for 25 years.
Her Daily Lifestyle: Past and present.
Day starts: In the past, early morning by 4-4.30am, Now by 7-7.30
When got married, she came to a big family of 15 members, all staying together like a joint family. She was doing all household work while doing a teacher’s job
Morning starts with a cup of tea with sugar Then reading news paper for an hour.
Breakfast: Anything like Upmaa, Pohe, idli,dosa
In the past, after getting married, she was taking a glass of milk with raw egg everyday. But for many years because of household work, she did not get time to take care of herself and so sometimes used to skip breakfast.
Noon, by 12, she used to go to school but without afternoon meals. Tea in the noon and not to keep stomach empty, she used to have one fruit like banana. That’s it. This was the intake of food in the noon time. No proper lunch.
At 5.30, after school , On the way back home, she used to go to market for house hold purchasing for the kitchen and family. This time she used to have good walk for 30-45 minutes up to her place of residence.
When back home, a cup of tea and a slice of bread and back to kitchen for dinner preparations for the family of 15 members. This was her daily program of activity for years together. There was no time to relax till all the household work was finished and that was by 11 pm. Everyday.
She used to have dinner at about 10 pm, after all members of the family were served.
Her dinner : Rice. Chapatti. Curry. Vegetable sabjee. Salad. She was on light diet. She likes to have plain rice with milk. She likes green vegetables a lot in her diet everyday. She likes sweets too. In her weekly diet, one day in between and on Sundays, She has mutton or chicken and fish regularly. Her diet never has been hot and spicy at all.
Her practice: As a rule, she takes food one portion less at the time of lunch or dinner. So, stomach is always kept little empty. So strictly no over eating. Couple of days in a week she used to observe fasts.
Water intake:10 to 12 glasses in a day
She watches TV after all the work in the house is done and goes to bed by 12. She has occasionally taken medicines, and has never had fever.
Use of cooking oil in her food preparation is moderate. No spicy food.
Her other special noting: She never takes tension in any situation and feels fully content about everything she has got in life.
Meet Dattatry Marathe.
Age: 86 complete
Health:Normal. No BP. No Diabetes. No major health issue at this age and No major sickness till date.
Eyesight: Clear.
Hearing: Little problem started just recently
An award winning professional swimmer for last 20-22 years.
Profession, Marketing Representative. Worked actively for 31 years. During his professional life, he used to walk everyday for 10 to 15 miles.
His Daily Lifestyle: Past and present.
Day starts: 6-6.30am
with a cup of filter coffee. Does not take breakfast..
From 7.30 till 8.30 am : He goes daily for swimming. Walks down to the club about a km everyday.
After swimming activity: for an hour or so he spends his time doing pooja
He does not take Breakfast and by 11-11.30, before 12 noon everyday he takes his lunch.
Lunch menu: Veggie. Daal, rice and chapattis. Lot of green vegetables, all variety of pulses. Like Moong, Matki, Chawali. Sometimes banana in milk or curd with sugar to get sweet taste.
After lunch… newspaper reading followed by half an hour sleep.
3.30 pm: one cup of filter coffee. And then some outdoor work for an hour.
For about one full hour he goes club for coaching in swimming. Then while back home a good long walk for an hour.
6.30-7pm Pooja time. Followed by reading of religious books.
Before 8.30 : Dinner is over.
Menu for dinner: Less of rice. Couple of chapattis. Vegetables, curries.
Special notes: Never had milk, Pure Ghee with meals. Sweets: occasionally. Fried food: occasionally. Meals : little less than required to fill stomach. So no over eating. Sweets he loves but as a rule, if he has sweets, he skips meal.
No non veg, No hard liquor, No soft drinks.
He takes bath with normal cold water and twice a day.
All these years, he has never taken medicines. Never had cold, cough and fever. Eye sight: perfect.
Must go to bed by 9.30pm
Special achievements: Gold Medal winner in a swimming competition at the age of 84- 85-86 in Free Style and Breast Stroke swimming. Record breaking 25 mtrs underwater swimming in 19 seconds.
His sleep: Sound, deep and instant.
Notes by : Editor-in-Chief
There are many articles written by all the media on Mr Marathe on going still strong at 86. No one can stop him, he is so energetic, enthusiastic and determined about his passion for swimming and training youngsters. He is a perfect example for many who feel written off after retirement. And also there is a good lesson for today’s young generation about how energetic, purposeful life can be lived even at 86.
It is nothing to do about money in the account, bank balance or no balance, you need to have passion for living and purpose for living. That’s all. Nothing can stop you if you decide to live on your terms.
My deepest respect to these “Forever Young Minds” who have set classic examples for millions who feel useless, helpless, frustrated after crossing 50. There is a lesson to learn.
Forever Young - The special feature, is conceived to inspire every young and old to look at life beyond. Just Think Young. Act Young.
The message?
Just don’t think your age!And don’t act your age either!
My 10 observations: I would like to note my ten personal observations about the lifestyles of these seniors’
1- Disciplined lifestyle.
2- Fixed timings for meals. Rest. Sleep.
3- Balanced diet.
4- Practice of eating little less every time. No overeating at all.
5- Diet…clean, nutritious home made food. BIG No to processed food.
6- Good amount of water intake. Butter milk. Curds. No to soft drinks.
7- No stretching of hours.
8- No late nights.
9- Never taking of tensions under any difficult situation.
10- Completely content about whatever life offered.
You will meet many more who in their silver years live on their own terms. These are living examples who confirm with their lifestyles that if you follow above ten rules of life, you too can lead and live a happy life.
Stay Healthy. Stay Fit. Stay Happy to live a long life.
Health:Normal. No BP. No Diabetes. No major health issue at this age and No major sickness till date.
Eyesight: Clear.
Hearing: Little problem
Family: 3 daughters and 2 sons
Profession, a teacher and was teaching in a school for 25 years.
Her Daily Lifestyle: Past and present.
Day starts: In the past, early morning by 4-4.30am, Now by 7-7.30
When got married, she came to a big family of 15 members, all staying together like a joint family. She was doing all household work while doing a teacher’s job
Morning starts with a cup of tea with sugar Then reading news paper for an hour.
Breakfast: Anything like Upmaa, Pohe, idli,dosa
In the past, after getting married, she was taking a glass of milk with raw egg everyday. But for many years because of household work, she did not get time to take care of herself and so sometimes used to skip breakfast.
Noon, by 12, she used to go to school but without afternoon meals. Tea in the noon and not to keep stomach empty, she used to have one fruit like banana. That’s it. This was the intake of food in the noon time. No proper lunch.
At 5.30, after school , On the way back home, she used to go to market for house hold purchasing for the kitchen and family. This time she used to have good walk for 30-45 minutes up to her place of residence.
When back home, a cup of tea and a slice of bread and back to kitchen for dinner preparations for the family of 15 members. This was her daily program of activity for years together. There was no time to relax till all the household work was finished and that was by 11 pm. Everyday.
She used to have dinner at about 10 pm, after all members of the family were served.
Her dinner : Rice. Chapatti. Curry. Vegetable sabjee. Salad. She was on light diet. She likes to have plain rice with milk. She likes green vegetables a lot in her diet everyday. She likes sweets too. In her weekly diet, one day in between and on Sundays, She has mutton or chicken and fish regularly. Her diet never has been hot and spicy at all.
Her practice: As a rule, she takes food one portion less at the time of lunch or dinner. So, stomach is always kept little empty. So strictly no over eating. Couple of days in a week she used to observe fasts.
Water intake:10 to 12 glasses in a day
She watches TV after all the work in the house is done and goes to bed by 12. She has occasionally taken medicines, and has never had fever.
Use of cooking oil in her food preparation is moderate. No spicy food.
Her other special noting: She never takes tension in any situation and feels fully content about everything she has got in life.
Meet Dattatry Marathe.
Age: 86 complete
Health:Normal. No BP. No Diabetes. No major health issue at this age and No major sickness till date.
Eyesight: Clear.
Hearing: Little problem started just recently
An award winning professional swimmer for last 20-22 years.
Profession, Marketing Representative. Worked actively for 31 years. During his professional life, he used to walk everyday for 10 to 15 miles.
His Daily Lifestyle: Past and present.
Day starts: 6-6.30am
with a cup of filter coffee. Does not take breakfast..
From 7.30 till 8.30 am : He goes daily for swimming. Walks down to the club about a km everyday.
After swimming activity: for an hour or so he spends his time doing pooja
He does not take Breakfast and by 11-11.30, before 12 noon everyday he takes his lunch.
Lunch menu: Veggie. Daal, rice and chapattis. Lot of green vegetables, all variety of pulses. Like Moong, Matki, Chawali. Sometimes banana in milk or curd with sugar to get sweet taste.
After lunch… newspaper reading followed by half an hour sleep.
3.30 pm: one cup of filter coffee. And then some outdoor work for an hour.
For about one full hour he goes club for coaching in swimming. Then while back home a good long walk for an hour.
6.30-7pm Pooja time. Followed by reading of religious books.
Before 8.30 : Dinner is over.
Menu for dinner: Less of rice. Couple of chapattis. Vegetables, curries.
Special notes: Never had milk, Pure Ghee with meals. Sweets: occasionally. Fried food: occasionally. Meals : little less than required to fill stomach. So no over eating. Sweets he loves but as a rule, if he has sweets, he skips meal.
No non veg, No hard liquor, No soft drinks.
He takes bath with normal cold water and twice a day.
All these years, he has never taken medicines. Never had cold, cough and fever. Eye sight: perfect.
Must go to bed by 9.30pm
Special achievements: Gold Medal winner in a swimming competition at the age of 84- 85-86 in Free Style and Breast Stroke swimming. Record breaking 25 mtrs underwater swimming in 19 seconds.
His sleep: Sound, deep and instant.
Notes by : Editor-in-Chief
There are many articles written by all the media on Mr Marathe on going still strong at 86. No one can stop him, he is so energetic, enthusiastic and determined about his passion for swimming and training youngsters. He is a perfect example for many who feel written off after retirement. And also there is a good lesson for today’s young generation about how energetic, purposeful life can be lived even at 86.
It is nothing to do about money in the account, bank balance or no balance, you need to have passion for living and purpose for living. That’s all. Nothing can stop you if you decide to live on your terms.
My deepest respect to these “Forever Young Minds” who have set classic examples for millions who feel useless, helpless, frustrated after crossing 50. There is a lesson to learn.
Forever Young - The special feature, is conceived to inspire every young and old to look at life beyond. Just Think Young. Act Young.
The message?
Just don’t think your age!And don’t act your age either!
My 10 observations: I would like to note my ten personal observations about the lifestyles of these seniors’
1- Disciplined lifestyle.
2- Fixed timings for meals. Rest. Sleep.
3- Balanced diet.
4- Practice of eating little less every time. No overeating at all.
5- Diet…clean, nutritious home made food. BIG No to processed food.
6- Good amount of water intake. Butter milk. Curds. No to soft drinks.
7- No stretching of hours.
8- No late nights.
9- Never taking of tensions under any difficult situation.
10- Completely content about whatever life offered.
You will meet many more who in their silver years live on their own terms. These are living examples who confirm with their lifestyles that if you follow above ten rules of life, you too can lead and live a happy life.
Stay Healthy. Stay Fit. Stay Happy to live a long life.
Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Publisher, Creative Director
news4you-on healthy lifestyle
Welcome to Lifestyle-news4you. I have created this Knowledge Blog to present real news from the World -of- Web, focusing specially on health, food, diet and physical fitness. The news that has real value for you and me. The news, that is researched by experts from the respective fields and not commercially sponsored. For our reader, it is information, knowledge, and being well informed.
So...news4youon healthy lifestylewill try and dig-in the news that you are most interested in and value as a good bite of information to add to your lifestyle knowledge.