The most affordable, healthy fruit: Banana
The banana is mentioned for the first time in history in Buddhist texts in 600 BC.
Alexander the Great discovered the taste of the banana in the valleys of India in 327 BC.
The existence of an organized banana plantation could be found in China back in the year 200 AD.
In 650, Islamic conquerors brought the banana to Palestine .
Arab merchants eventually spread bananas over much of Africa .
The banana is of a great nutritional value. It provides a combination of benefits to our body such as energy, tissue building, besides a good supply of vitamins and minerals. A large size banana
gives about 100 calories. It is the most complete balanced diet in combination with milk.
It contains high proteins which includes three of the essential amino acids. Banana is known for enhancing healthy digestion and promoting a feeling of youthfulness.
Ripe bananas are highly beneficial in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis, being bland, smooth, easily digestible and slightly laxative in its properties.
Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Anamia, Allergies, Kidney disorders, Tuberculosis, Urinary disorders,Over weight, Menstrual disorders, Burns and wounds
Bananas contain about 74% water, 23% carbohydrates, 1% proteins, 0.5% fat, and 2.6% fiber (these values vary between different banana cultivars, degree of ripeness and growing conditions). In an unripe banana the carbohydrates are mostly starches. In the process of ripening the starches are converted to sugars; a fully ripe banana has only 1-2% starch.
Besides being a good source of energy, banana is a rich source of potassium, and hence is highly recommended for patients suffering from high blood pressure.
It is claimed that bananas have beneficial effect in the treatment of intestinal disorders, including diarrhea (diarrhea). Bananas are unusual in that they work for constipation too. They contain mucilaginous bulking substances and are easy to digest. Other fruit which may also be good for intestinal conditions include mangoes, figs, pineapple, and papaya.
Banana must be thoroughly ripe for easy digestion. Raw banana contains 20 to 25% starch and during the process of ripening, this starch is wholly and completely converted into assimilable sugar. Banana should never be kept in the refrigerator as the low temperature prevents its ripening. Banana should not be taken by patients suffering from kidney failure because of its high potassium contents.